Alex the Seal

About me
I am an Australian Fur Seal living in Sydney. I am super friendly and fun. You might say that I am the dog-mermaid of the ocean!
My favourite hobbies include chasing fish and jumping the waves of Bondi. I am the largest type of fur seal in the world, about the size of a large dog.
Dinner for me includes squid, octopus and fish. Like all marine animals, I am a protected animal in Australia.
I can hold my breath for about 7minutes, when I am not stressed.

Why the shark nets are dangerous for us

Unfortunately, my family and friends get caught in the nets from time to time. Since seals can only hold our breath for about 7 minutes, it is really stressful if we get caught in the net and often my seal friends have not made it out and have sadly died in those nets.
The last time a seal like me was caught and killed in the nets was in January 2021 in Bondi Beach.
We really would prefer that you help us find alternatives to the lethal shark nets so that we can continue playing the waves of Bondi and live care free.